The Bette Garber Memorial Fund has awarded a $1500 grant to Trucker Buddy International.

The memorial fund was set up by friends and family of the late trucking photographer and writer Bette Garber.

Garber, a longtime trucking photographer and writer for Newport Communications publications, died unexpectedly last November following an extended illness. A well-known presence on the custom truck beauty circuit, the Pennsylvania resident had been pursuing her passion of photographing trucks since the '70s.

Garber was a strong supporter of the Trucker Buddy program, having served on the board of directors and often featuring Trucker Buddy participants in her articles and photos. Trucker Buddy is a nonprofit program that matches elementary school classrooms with trucker pen-pals, offering students real-world practice in reading, writing, geography, mathematics, social studies, and history, while improving their image of the trucking industry.

Donations may be made to the Bette Garber Memorial Fund,