Thanks in part to efforts by the Women in Trucking Association, two online dialogues will be held focusing on recruitment of women for blue-collar transportation jobs.

WIT helped organize the inaugural roundtable for women working in skilled, blue-collar transportation careers at the U.S. Department of Transportation.

During the roundtable, President/CEO Ellen Voie and Chairwoman Leigh Foxall joined approximately 25 other national organization representatives to identify unique challenges and opportunities for women working in skilled transportation-related jobs.

Following the roundtable's success, there is now an opportunity for anyone interested in promoting transportation careers to women to join the conversation during two online dialogues that will focus on the image, recruitment, and retention of women in blue-collar transportation jobs.

Participants in the dialogues will be able to submit, comment on and rate ideas interactively with colleagues from across the country, creating a national exchange of ideas and best practices for women in blue-collar transportation careers. Everyone, men and women, in the transportation industry is invited to participate.

Both dialogues are free and open to all. They are accessible 24/7 during their allotted times.

July 11-15, 2011: 'How do we best describe and promote women working in skilled, blue-collar transportation-related careers?'

July 25-29, 2011: 'How do we leverage existing programs that promote recruitment and hiring of women working in transportation-related trades?' and 'What ideas, suggestions, or strategies do you have for retaining and advancing women's talent within your industry?'

Participants may register at