Truckers with sleep apnea now have access to an easy-to-use sleep-time mouthpiece that's an alternative to the continuous positive airway pressure machine (CPAP) that is the most common treatment.

Many commercial truckers are plagued with the problem of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a condition usually caused by the tongue falling back and blocking the airway for anywhere between 10 and 90 seconds while the person is sleeping. This creates breathing pauses where the person is not getting oxygen.

Those with severe sleep apnea have typically relied upon the use of a continuous positive airway pressure machine (CPAP). It employs a mask which fits over the person's nose and mouth during sleep and blows high-pressured air into the mouth, or up the nose, to open the airway. It is a successful treatment when used, but many find it very uncomfortable.

As an alternative for CPAP-intolerant persons, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends the use of oral appliances (mouthpieces) for the treatment of OSA.

For the most part, the dental mouthpieces that are available advance the jaw forward. The tongue is thus pulled forward and the airway is opened. Many of these oral appliances, however, have proven to be uncomfortable, causing jaw pain.

The Full Breath Solution works differently, using a tail that restrains the tongue from moving upward and backward. The tail lightly depresses the tongue and prevents its movement backward, keeping the airway unblocked. The length of the tail is custom-fitted to each person, using advanced dental imaging for precise diagnostics to ensure the most comfortable and effective placement.

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