Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers needed 17 median days off of work to recuperate from injuries and illnesses in 2008, up from 15 days in 2007
, according to a recent survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In addition, the rate of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses requiring days off jumped 7 percent in 2008 for truck drivers, even though 2007 rates remained fairly stable, the survey found.

The survey reported 57,700 cases among heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers away from work, with the rate per 10,000 full-time workers for truck drivers rising 4 percent from 2007, the BLS says.

However, other industries came out with different results. Both the rate and the number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work in private industry fell 7 percent from 2007 to 2008. Per 10,000 full-time workers, the rate dropped to 113, while the number of cases slipped by 80,730.