An independent study comparing the environmental impacts of iGPS' all-plastic pallet and the typical pooled multi-use wood pallet has documented that iGPS' pallet has a significantly lower environmental impact.

The analysis, conducted by Environmental Resources Management, is the first study to measure the total life cycle impact of both iGPS' plastic pallet and the typical multi-use wood pallet.

The study measured environmental impacts, taking into account pallet durability and useful life, material composition, trip distances and weight. The ranges of environmental impact differences between iGPS' pallet and the typical multi-use wood pallet, using conservative and more realistic assumptions for the impact categories studied, were:

• Abiotic depletion: 25% - 35% less impact
• Global warming: 65% - 70% less impact
• Ozone Layer Depletion: 91% - 92% less impact
• Photochemical oxidation: 60% - 65% less impact
• Acidification: 60% - 65% less impact
• Eutrophication: 75% - 80% less impact
• Aquatic ecotoxicity: 50% to 55% less impact
• Terrestrial ecotoxicity: 90% to 92% less impact

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