Indiana’s truckers and state highway workers are participating in a training program they hope will lead to more than 10,000 people keeping an eye out for terrorists throughout the state.

Indiana is the 24th state to join the Highway Watch program, sponsored by the American Trucking Assns., trucking companies and state police.
A two-hour class is designed to teach commercial drivers and highway workers what sort of suspicious activity to look for and provide them a phone number to call.
The class trains drivers to look for people taking photographs or marking off distances, for example, or rehearsing a possible terrorist attack.
ATA spokesman John Willard said the cost of training drivers in Indiana will run from $10,000 to $15,000 and be paid for with federal grants.
The Indiana Motor Truck Assn. is arranging courses for drivers around the state and hopes to train 10,000 drivers over the next year.