Melton Technologies, Winston-Salem, N.C., announced availability of an interface between its Horizon Dispatch product and Integrated Decision Support Corporation’s Fuel Advice fuel optimization application service provider (ASP).

Trips created in Horizon Dispatch can be optimized for fuel efficiency simply by designating the truck assigned to the trip. The Horizon-Fuel Advice interface takes care of the rest, creating the base route and passing it to where IDSC provides an optimized route and fuel purchase recommendations based on OPIS fuel pricing data and/or the customer’s own fuel purchase contracts.
Based on IDSC’s popular Expert Fuel product, Fuel Advice is an ASP offering fuel solutions on a fee per transaction basis. Customers may subscribe to Fuel Advice, selecting from a range of transaction packages or a monthly flat rate based on fleet size. Melton Technologies provides the Horizon-Fuel Advice interface free of charge to its customers who sign up for Fuel Advice.
For more information on Fuel Advice, go to For more information on Melton Technologies Horizon series of fleet management products and the Horizon-Fuel Advice interface, visit