IPartsCounter, an Internet-based version of the parts counter that fleet professionals have been using for 50 years, is now available
from Velox Logic for heavy-duty fleet managers and parts suppliers.
IPartsCounter automates existing business relationships using individualized contract pricing, by enabling users to easily identify and cross-reference needed parts, and to place, process, and track orders, all while actively managing the procurement process - including roll-up reporting across multiple procurement and distribution locations.
With iPartsCounter, both buyer and supplier have access to their own private online marketplace, with business rules, pre-negotiated pricing, and terms implemented just the way you've already agreed with your business partners.
In order to better reflect the value that both sides of the parts counter experience, Velox Logic has renamed its online application to iPartsCounter (during testing phases, the service had been named eVMRS).
With iPartsCounter, fleet buyers can now access their existing supplier's catalog electronically, place and track orders online (including multiple facility reporting and roll-up), manage national contracts, and enjoy unified multi-supplier procurement, all with easy integration to their existing business systems.
Fleet suppliers using iPartsCounter can provide their customers electronic access to their existing catalog, implement pre-negotiated discounts on a per-customer basis, accept and process orders electronically, and manage national contracts without question about actual purchasing volume. Integrated marketing tools free sales people to develop new business rather than focus on helping to find correct parts and write up orders for existing accounts.
For more information, visit www.veloxlogic.com.