The federal government wants to order the U.S. border to Mexican trucks in June, but one newspaper is reporting skepticism at the border.

The San Antonio Express-News reports that law enforcement officials aren't sure the border inspection facilities at Laredo will be ready in time.
The Texas Department of Transportation just last week finished installing weigh-in-motion scales just north of the Columbia Solidarity Bridge. But the inspection station to go with those scales? The state DOT is still in negotiations to buy or lease land to build the station.
Luis Ramirez, Laredo district engineer for the department, told the paper "there's still a lot left to do." And another inspection center planned for the busier World Trade Bridge is "a bit further behind," he says, and may not even by in place by year's end.
Laredo officials are concerned that inspection stations at the bridges, required by federal law, will create traffic tie-ups.