The long-simmering dispute between PrePass and the state of Oregon will be going to trial.

That’s the impact of a federal judge’s decision to deny a motion by PrePass, operated by Phoenix-based Heavy Vehicle Electronic License Plate Inc. (HELP Inc.). PrePass had asked that a lawsuit filed by the Oregon Department of Transportation be dismissed. The judge’s refusal to dismiss the Oregon suit puts the issue on the road to trial.
The dispute involves transponders used to bypass weigh stations in states where PrePass is installed. Properly registered trucks with PrePass transponders are monitored electronically as they pass successive weight stations in those states. Those trucks don’t have to stop at every weigh station.
Oregon is involved in a similar but separate bypass system called Green Light, which works with the same kind of transponder as PrePass. Oregon wants PrePass customers to use their compatible PrePass transponders on the Green Light system. PrePass maintains that the transponders are proprietary and cannot be used on other systems without permission.