Since 1994, Celadon Trucking has grown 50%, creating 500 new trucking and 100 administrative jobs — an expansion that Michael Hodson, Celadon executive vice president, attributes to the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Speaking before a public hearing of the U.S. International Trade Commission which is investigating NAFTA’s economic impact over the past three years, Hodson said he believes that NAFTA has created 40,000 to 50,000 trucking and rail-related jobs in the U.S. economy. Jobs made available in driving, administration, truckstop services, equipment maintenance and software development.
Hodson also said that Celadon believes the economic improvements for all NAFTA countries will create demands for U.S. products and services. “During the past three years, Celadon has purchased 1,400 trailers, 350 tractors and 350 satellite communications units — representing $60 million of equipment purchased from American manufacturers,” Hodson said.